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Career Guidance

Career Guidance
 Career guidance is held twice a year for the 1st and 2nd year students and three times a year for the 3rd graders. The content of the guidance is as follows:
1st year : information about vocations,
     what they can learn and what certificates they can acquire in colleges,
2nd year: information about faculties and departments of colleges
     ways to realize future dreams
     which to choose science course or humanities course
3rd year: information concerning entrance examinations of colleges and universities
     information concerning entrance exams for selected candidates

Learning-from-Alumni Session
 The learning-from-alumni session is held in June for the 1st year students, during the period of teaching practice for student teachers. Student teachers visit each of the classes and tell of their college life to the freshmen, which helps the students to think about their future career plans.

Faculty and Department Lecture
 In October before the choice between science or humanities courses has to be made, the faculty and departmental lectures are held for the 2nd graders. Students can choose lectures in the light of their own future career plans. Through these lectures students can cosider seriously what faculty or department they should choose after graduating ftom Nakamura Senior high School.
 Lecturers are invited from Ritsumeikan University, Nagoya Institute of Foreign Studies, Chukyo Uiversity, Meijo University, Nagoya University of Technology, Aichi Prefectural College of Nursing and Health, and Trident College.

Field Study
 The first year students, who are divided into more than ten groups, visit various workplaces or universities or other facilities according to their own future career plans. This event, which is held in October, can be a good opportunity for the students because they can see, hear and experience various things about their desired work on a first hand basis.