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International Exchange

@One of educational goals of Nakamura Senior High School is gto foster a Japanese who lives along with the world.h To achieve this goal, our school encourages students to promote international friendship.

1 Exchange Students (10 months)
Nakamura Senior High School hosts exchange students. They take classes, join club activities, and enjoy school events as Nakamura students do.

2 Short visit
@Mentone girls visited Nakamura Senior High Schoo in July, 2007. 11 students and 2 teachers of Mentone Girlsf Secondary College, Melbourne, in Australia, visited Nakamura Senior High School from July 3 to July 9.@Next year, students of Nakamura will visit Mentone Girlfs Secondary College.

(1) Girls singing a beautiful chorus
At the end of the welcome ceremony, Mentone girls sang famous Australian songs, dancing cheerfully. They sang and dance at the farewell ceremony as well.

(2) Dressed up in "yukata", at the Tanabata Fair, "En-nichi".
Mentone Girls changed into "yukata" and participated in "Tanabata Fair," a Japanese traditional street fair.At the fair, they tried "cup and ball" (kendama),Quoits (wanage), and soon.

(3) In a classroom, with Nakamura students
On "Australian Day," Mentone girls introduced their school and sports,food, and music of Australia to Nakamura students.